HMI® HYDRO-MAX-10 is a product intended for direct use, providing a total protection against corrosion, designed for correctional water treatment of heat transfer network and for feedwater.

  • Provides a total protection against formation of scale.
  • Dissolves existing scale deposits and helps to their removal during the required blowdown.
  • Slurries/sludge is well formed and flexible.
  • Provides passivation of the metal and prevents the corrosion in the system.
  • Prevents the boiling.
  • Binds dissolved oxygen in water.

Formulation based on inorganic and organic substances.
HMI® HYDRO-MAX-10 is suitable also for automatic dosing.

Recommended dosage:
Directions for use in district heating systems.
HMI® HYDRO-MAX-10 is added to the circulating water through automatic dosing with pH control.

  • Normal dosing
    Daily addition of HMI® HYDRO-MAX-10 in the boiling system.
  • Starting dose
    Treatment with HMI® HYDRO-MAX-10 starts with addition of average of 0,615 L per 1 m3 supplemental water.
  • Pre-treated water
    Mix 0,07-0,08 L HMI® HYDRO-MAX-10 for 1 m3 supplemental pre-treated water.

The analysis of pH and water hardness determine the exact dose that is considered as optimal for each case.


Packaging: 20 L, 10 L Containers